Managing your own website

You want to manage your own website without knowledge of HTML, FTP, etc? That is possible with a content management system or CMS. Our CMS of choice is Wordpress.


With Wordpress one or multiple editors can manage a website and add content without any knowledge of web design. The CMS works through your browser (for example Chrome or Firefox) and is very easy to learn and operate.

In addition to the features listed above, the CMS (and your website) can be extended with several options. For example, a photo gallery, a newsletter, a search function or even a private intranet.

Always included:

  • Unique web design with your corporate identity as inspiration
  • Search engine friendly URLs
  • Correct coding according to the W3C guidelines
  • Registration with known search engines

Based on your specific requirements we provide customized services. Please contact us for a non-committal quotation.

Content Management System

From € 495;-

  • Many sub pages
  • Publication and management through a recognizable text editor environment
  • Photo gallery, email form, sitemap, etc